Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Tijuana's Red Light District Is Open

On October 7th and 8th after almost 7 months of being closed the strip clubs of La Coahuila Tijuana are finally open just in time for celebrating Halloween in Tijuana.

The Hong Kong Gentleman's Club, Adelita Bar, and the Chicago Club have taken advantage of the down time to renovate the lounges.  So far there are not a lot of customers as the news about the re-openning of La Coahuila has not become apparent.  So if you have been missing your favorite Tijuana men's clubs you should head for the border and live and party like a champion again.


We can help you plan your bachelor party, arrange accommodations for your group, and plan your itinerary. You can send us a message using our Contact Us Form for details - Ultimate Bachelor Party Planning and Consulting.


  1. How can Americans head for the border when it's closed to non-essential travel? Is there a loophole?

    1. The non-essential border crossing rule is not strictly enforced for entering Mexico or returning to the USA. Please review our border crossing post for everything you need to know about visiting Mexico https://tijuanababes.blogspot.com/p/negotiating-san-ysidro-tijuana-border.html
